Posting this from Hart-Jack (that’s Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport for the newbies), on my way home to the ‘ville for the weekend. Sorry for the delay, readers; I’ll have a couple of posts in the bag beforehand from now on. So…
São Paulo in numbers* (versus unofficial rival New York):
588 – area of São Paulo in square miles
469 – area of New York City in square miles
11,324,100 – population of the City of São Paulo
8,175,100 – population of the City of New York
20,309,700 – population of the Greater São Paulo Metropolitan Area
18,897,100 – population of the Greater New York City Metropolitan Area
41,638,800 – population of the State of São Paulo
19,378,100 – population of the State of New York
7,000,000 – number of vehicles in the Greater São Paulo Metropolitan Area
a crapload, but not as many as SP – number of vehicles in the Greater New York Metropolitan Area
17,000 – number of buses in São Paulo
5,900 – number of buses in New York City
44 – miles of subway lines in São Paulo
656 – miles of subway lines in New York City
62 – number of subway stations in São Paulo
468 – number of subway stations in New York City
3,600,000 – average daily subway riders (2010) in São Paulo
5,200,000 – average daily subway riders (2010) in New York City
1 – Fly Brother in São Paulo
0 – Fly Brothers in New York 😉
*Statistics from Wikipedia (yeh, yeh, yeh).
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I’m participating in Vai Via’s 15 Day International Travel Challenge, but doubling-up, as I’m not a daily blog poster. Challenge!
Day 11 – Did you have any milestones or “firsts” while traveling or living abroad?
First doctor visit, unemployment insurance claim, and sexual encounter in a language that wasn’t English.
Day 12 – Someone who influenced you to travel abroad.
The preacher’s wife at my church, who got me on my way with a book called Free Stuff for Kids, full of ways to get free travel info. Innumerable teachers. My grandparents.
Day 13 – A favorite travel quote.
“Now voyager sail thou forth to seek and find.” -Walt Whitman