Fly Brother Now on Public Television

FLY BROTHER with Ernest White II is a new television travel docu-series about friendship and connection around the world. Now available on Public Television Stations nationwide, the first season of FLY BROTHER with Ernest White II takes us to Brazil, Canada, Georgia, Namibia, Sweden, Ethiopia, India, and Tajikistan. In each location, Ernest meets with his real-life friends to explore their favorite local hotels, restaurants, and social haunts. Throughout the episode, we see festivities, food, and fun, but also the friendship that proves the whole world is our tribe.

FLY BROTHER with Ernest White II. The whole world is our tribe.


4 thoughts on “Fly Brother Now on Public Television”

  1. Dear Mr. White, Thank you, so much, for taking us to Ethiopia. I was touched and in awe of the the Ethiopian culture. But, the conversation that you had with the wonderful young man at the festival, touched my heart. His heart and his knowledge of who we need to be as fellow humans was truly inspiring.
    I think a public service announcement, using that young mans thoughts and beliefs, played on loop in America would serve us well.
    Your show is wonderful. I pray many blessings upon you.

  2. Dear Mr. White,
    I watched your program for the first time today. I found it fascinating and important, especially listening to the community members talk about their cultures and how all cultures are woven into the beautiful tapestry of humanity. Yet, inspiring as they are, I am troubled by a common occurrence I see on all western television; the Puritanism of the human body. I find it audacious that you travel to these remote communities on the globe, to bring we western viewers the reality of people and places we would not normally meet, then blur the natural beauty of their bodies, not to respect them, but to hide their natural body parts from our stupidly sensitive eyes. Your program then becomes more about us than about them. For years I have gone to western museums and marveled how curators went to such trouble to remove the genitalia of statues so as not to offend our Judaeo-Christian sensibilities – more precisely our absurdity.
    David Rothauser

  3. Nathaniel Reynolds

    You know, I’m very impressed with his program (s). A person of Color truly traveling the World and Recording it all on the prestigious Public TV. I will be looking for future programing.

  4. I watched the program for the first time today and was truly impressed. So, I added it to my must watch list.

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Ernest White II